Page 14 - Ultimate Healing Protocol PDF BOOK Download (Scott Davis)
P. 14
they lose their ability to keep things properly sealed.
Which allows food particles and bacteria traces to leak out of the
gut and into the bloodstream… and that’s when all heck breaks loose.
Because none of this should be in your bloodstream. Your immune
system sees these food particles and bacteria as invaders – this
time within the bloodstream itself. And, once again, it goes into |ght
The action of the immune system sends in}ammatory agents to
wherever in your bloodstream these particles are found.
The problem is that your blood gets everywhere, so those food and
bacteria particles get everywhere – so the in}ammation occurs
Brain, heart, liver, kidneys, pancreas… glands, joints, muscles, bones…
there’s nowhere your blood doesn’t go. And those particles – and the
in}ammation that’s attacking them – is going there with it.
You get ill because as well as attacking its target – the food and
bacteria particles – the in}ammation unavoidably damages
surrounding tissues and organs throughout the body.
This can – and does – go on for many years before any actual
symptoms show up.
In}ammatory agents cause small but ongoing damage to tissues
throughout your entire body.
Eventually parts of you will weaken to the point that they become ill.
And that illness will start with any of the diverse symptoms we
spoke about earlier. Regular, ongoing symptoms of pain, discomfort
and unhappiness that doctors can’t diagnose – and their drugs can’t