Page 10 - Ultimate Healing Protocol PDF BOOK Download (Scott Davis)
P. 10
They knew it was incomplete. They realized it was unsatisfactory.
But it’s the best they had. And it’s this:
Your immune system is }ooding your body with in}ammatory
agents – and we didn’t know why.
This in}ammation attacks tissues and organs throughout your body.
The damage is slight – but it accumulates over years causing your
body mounting problems
Eventually the body starts to fail – leading to any combination of the
symptoms listed earlier
Which part of a person’s body will fail diyers between people. The
in}ammation is attacking everywhere. Genetics or speci|c lifestyle
circumstances decide on what will fail |rst.
But, in the end, something gives way. It always does.
And this is how you stay ill
This description of disease is known, proved and accepted
worldwide. It’s not controversial.
But it contains a serious }aw – one that all doctors and medical
scientists are all too aware of.
We accept that a malfunctioning immune system }oods the body
with in}ammatory agents that, eventually, lead to all kinds of nasty
But we haven’t been able to explain the cause of that malfunctioning
immune system. What causes all that body-wide in}ammation?
Why does the immune system go so drastically wrong for so many
millions of adults?
If we can stop that initial step – the one that causes that
malfunctioning immune system – then the disaster that follows that